As my daughter gets ready to turn six months old next week, I’ve been thinking about how much she’s changed—and how much that reminds me of running a business. When she was born, her needs were simple: food, sleep, and comfort. But now, she’s starting to reach for more. She wants attention, new experiences, and more interaction. The things that worked for her a few months ago aren’t enough anymore.

This made me realise that clients are a lot like babies. At first, they may come to us with simple needs. But over time, their expectations grow. And just like with my daughter, we need to keep up with those changes if we want to keep them happy.


Lessons I’m Learning from My Daughter

1. Understand Their Needs Early

When my daughter starts fussing, I’ve learned to understand what she needs before she cries too much. The same goes for clients. We need to pay attention and anticipate what they need before they have to ask. This makes them feel understood and valued.

2. Keep Up with Their Growth

What worked for my daughter last month doesn’t always work today. She’s growing and changing fast. Clients are the same—they might need more from us as their businesses grow. If we stick to the same old solutions, they’ll start looking for something better elsewhere.

3. Listen to Their Signals

My daughter can’t speak, but she shows me what she needs through her actions. Clients do this, too. Sometimes, it’s through feedback; other times, it’s through their actions—like if they stop buying from us as much. If we pay attention, we can adjust before we lose them.

4. Build Trust by Being Responsive

When my daughter cries, how quickly I respond makes a big difference. She learns to trust that I’ll be there for her. In business, it’s the same. If we respond quickly to client concerns and fix their problems, they trust us more. But if we’re slow or ignore them, we lose that trust.

5. Balance Stability and Change

My daughter loves her routine, but she also loves trying new things. Clients want this, too. They expect us to provide reliable service, but they also appreciate fresh ideas and improvements. We need to keep things steady while finding new ways to keep them engaged.


The Big Lesson

Raising my daughter has taught me that growth—whether it’s with a baby or in business—comes from paying attention, being responsive, and adapting to change. If we treat our clients with the same care and understanding, we can build stronger, longer-lasting relationships.

What about you? Do you find that your client’s needs are changing? Let me know how you keep up with them!


Rodrigo Branco Matsumoto.

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